竺可桢日记 (1947年)12月9日 星期二 杭

杭 晨雨63°。下午发西北风,雨。

  下年我国中央政府预算定为40000α)()O∞ o∞∞0 ,浙省半年预算为一千五百亿,杭市为一千三百五十八亿。
  晨七点起。今日本与邦华约赴萧山湘湖看农场,适昨晚天气忽变,故作罢。昨晚嘱校警杭鹏云,将学生壁报上骂体育教员之四条壁报撕去。十一点借允敏至迎紫路,余看牙医李培德,渠劝余将下牙床(在美国Dr. “,lacDonald 所制牙床)带上,至于门牙,则何英祥所制之假齿Crown 冠已不适用,决定另换。
  午后阅M缸Lerner 著《Justice Holmes 传》。三点王季午来,谈医院方面事。
  知上月医院收入仅二千剧百万元,而支出一亿三千万元。计用电灯王百盏,一千一百度,合七百万元。柴每天六百斤, 1000 元一斤,六十万元一天。水每〔天〕一二十万。汽油每月20 gallons 云。查全校所装电灯,计文、理、工学院558 盏,华家池554 ,晗同花园177 盏,医院3∞盏,共1600 盏。十一月份计共用14 , 000 度,需八九千万元。而柴之用途尤大,超出一亿元,十二月份更可达一亿八千〔万〕元云。
  o. W. Holmes: Max Lemer , Little , Brown & Co. Boston , 1946 , pp. 382-385.John Marshall , memorial address 100 anniversaηof the day on which Marshall took hisseat as chief justice of the United States. Considered by the author of the biography asundoubtedly one of Holmes’ g肥at utterances and one of his justest judgement of a man’stalent.It is most idle to take a man apart from the circumstances , which , in fact werehis. To be sure , it is easier in fancy to separate a person from his riches than from hischaracter. But it is just as futile. … A great man represents a great ganglion in thene凹es of society , or to vaηthe figure , a strategic point in the campaign of histo町, andpart of his greatness consists in his being there.A man is bound to be parochial in his practice , to give his life and if necessary hisdeath , for the place where he has his roots. But his thinking he should be cosmopolitanand detached. He should be able to criticize what he reveres and loves.
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