竺可桢日记 (1946年)3月27日 星期三 遵

晨雨10.4°,27.34″ 下午阴,旁晚出太阳。
遵晨雨10.4 0 , 27.34飞下午阴,旁晚出太阳。

  Moscow radio announced (March 24) : AIl Russian troops would be withdrawn from Iran within5-6 weeks if nothing unforeseen happens. All British & American tr,∞ps left on March 2 , 1946. 步校李尊(楝楼)、伍天纬来。
  晨七点起。昨雨风而后,今晨院中落英满地,一年花事又过去矣。但余住遵义六年,今年看花最多,因往年三月均在重庆北暗也。振公以顾济之函见示,知渠愿就校长办公室秘书,但以家口之累,欲得卅万元之收入方得维持,此则以学校待遇论,尚不兼课,无人能得此数耳。步校伍天纬、李幢楼来,谈借房屋、校具事。余阅Reader’s Report Nov. , (pp. )33-34 , Atomic Explosion & World Politics o 中午李天助来寓,为松诊咳嗽。祥治交余一方,为乌梅仁与冰糖合煮。晚尊生来谈。
  If war is not in the nature of man then how is he to interpret his own experience ,which tells him that in all recorded history there have been only 3∞ years in the aggregateduring which he has been free from war. … Many animals of the same species killeach other, but men and ants only have practised the science of organized destruction.Norman Cousins , Sαturday Review of Liter. , Aug. 18 , 1945.Atomic Explosion & W orld Politics (Cont. ) ( Reader¥Digest) V2 Rocket of improvedpattem can travel 4侧miles an hour reaching a ht. of 60 < m) ( km). Londonfound no defense. No V2 was ever intercepted.( The Nation Supplement Dec. 22 , '45) A pound of 铀now cost 3 dollal飞same asa ton ofωal , but it can deliver as much as HXXl ton8 of coal under present firing method.J. D. Bemal "Everybody's Atom" in Nαtion Sept. 1 , 1945. Perhaps as impressive as the atomic bomb itself is the fact of scientific organizationand industrial production that made it possible in 3 years to go from what was a laboratoryexperiment & sub-microscopic quantities of substance to a practical release of energyon a scale thousands of times greater than ever before achieved. Potentialities of sciencewere not being realized for the simple reason that insufficient effort was being put intoscience. The development of penicillin which has saved many times more lives thanatomic bombs has destroyed. Here again the normaI development of 50 years was condensedinto two by tuming an adequate effort. The problem of protein structure with itsrelation to a伊cu1ture , food & disease; the problem of control of genetic , with the productionof new & useful species , and the great physiological problem of mind and body ,all these should be tackled by intemational effort. Before the war between 1/3 to 1/10of 1 % of national income of modem industrial nations was devoted to science. ... Thiswar has raised this figure to 1 9毛, In future 20% .
  接吴祖基函 季梁、研究院(询郭宝钧为史语所研究员)、彬彬函


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