竺可桢日记 (1945年)9月7日 星期五

晨晴 22.4°,27.21″。
展晴 22.4 0, 27.21″。

  新几内亚、拉布尔各岛日代表今村少将在英舰签降约。张家口广播电台入共军手,有共军廿万入北京说。汤恩、伯飞沪,列元良同行。 Newman on liberal educationo Musical test。
  晨六点半起。八点半至校。阅 Newman著关于通才教育之解释。谓大学教育之目的在于造成英国派式之君子,而非一个基督教徒或宗教家。大学所教乃理知而非道德。南宋朱、陆之争,朱主张”道学问”,陆主张”尊德〔性〕” ,故陆九渊笑朱晦庵诗”简易工夫终久大,支离事业竟浮沉”。则大学所教多为支离事业。 Newman以为大学正可将各专家之意融为一炉而贯通之,而其理即在其中矣。
  中午至天主堂,借允敏、希文、松、阿皑(黄章皑)拍数照。晚试验 measure of musical talent , University of lowa test,余与希文试 The sense of time。余得五十分,不及美国小学生。
  Cardinal N ewman 《大学之性质与范围》。Chap. 4 , “Liberal knowledge its own end”. All branches of knowledge connected together. The science have multiplied bear.ings one upon the other and an intemal sympathy. … They compete or rest and balance each other. Their common end is the attainment of truth. It is a great point to enlarge the range of study which a university professor even for the sake of students. He apprehends the great outlines of knowledge , the principle on which it rests , the scale of its pa巾, its lights & its shade , its great points and its little , as he otherwise cannot ap.prehend them. Hence it is that his education is called liberal. A habit of mind is formed which lasts through life of which the attributes are freedom , equitableness , calmness , moderation & wisdom. This is the main purpose of a university in its treatment of its students. … Knowledge is capable of being its own end. Such is the constitution of the human mind that any kind of knowledge , if it be real such is its own reward. Hence CωikCe例ro (10俑6一 4ω3 B. C.)川in 皿mer刚i吨 the various heads of mental excel.
  emnmIumIH即 lence , lays down the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake as the 1 st of them. After the calls and duties of our animal existence as regards ourselves , our families , & our neigh.bours , follow , he tells us the search after truth. The idea of benefiting society by means of the pursuit of science and knowledge did not enter at all into the motives he would as.sign for their cultivation. This was the ground of the opposition which the elder Cato ( 234 149 B. C.) made to the introduction of Greek philosophy among his count men.
  接士芳(农林部西江水土保持实验区人事管理员)、陈君琼函 九章、蔚光、刚复、良琪、学禹、友仁 接刘壮狲、赵梦寰、李伯钦、王爱予、蔡邦华、王季梁、朱习生、骝先函


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