竺可桢日记 (1945年)7月23日 星期一 遵


  晨六点半起。八点至校。关照魏春孚发今晚请帖。作函与谈家损,渠于本年四月初四由渝出发,六月二日到纽约。在印度曾至加尔各塔大学演讲二礼拜,大概系印度学生Kahn之关系也。由 Ca:sablanca飞南美,费时卅小时。至哥伦比亚大学动物系,(系〕中人以中国抗战八年尚能作如许研究工作大为惊异云云。
  Harold Laski 《理论与实在之国家》, p. 15: Aristotle “State exists to promote the good life. ”
  Hobbes “There can be no civilization without the security state provides by its pow.er over life & death. ”
  Locke “Only a common rule making organ , to the operation of which men consent can give us those rights to life & liberty & property without the peaceful enjoyment of which we condemned miserable existence. “
  Rousseau “Men could be more free than in precivil society by obeying the laws of state. ” Hegel “The state is the Divine idea as it exist on the Earth.
  Page 43: Hobbes’ immense edifice is built upon the dual foundation of a belief that human nature is evil and that only an irresistible sovereign can maintain order against its inherent tendency to evil. Locke starts with a belief in the goodness of human nature & the danger of any government which can act without regard to the wishes of its subjects. Rousseau sought a formula of state which in its operation would secure equal interest for all citizens in the result of social process.
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