竺可桢日记 (1942年)11月10日 星期二 遵义


遵义 晨阴16 。

  晨六点起。晨迪生夫妇借新聘英文教员胡正渠来。渠向在香港教英文,并指导篮球。作函与贵州各大学,约于寒假举行演讲比赛及篮球比赛。作函与美国大使C. E. Gauss ,关于浙大派代表赴美国演讲及研究事。午后作函数通。晚阅EdithSitwell Victoria of England , Miff1in 1936 。此书多讲维多利亚生平,故事大多与国家及世界时局无关,不及Lytton Strachey Queen Victoriα , Harcourt 一书云。
  In 1870 , Crown Princess ofPrussia , daughter of Queen Victoria wrote to her mother:England Empire over the E is the best example of it , and even there the Englishmen have not always shown themselves as scrupulous , humane and civilized as theyshould have been. So really 1 do not think we deserved more reproach , although youwill object that orientals are not Europeans , and can not be treated in the same manner.接分校电建人、欧阳忻、季梁函罗宗洛、贝时璋寄樊君穆函u. S. ambassador C. E. Gauss 寄侍从室第三处南岸小温泉111 号朱晓寰函


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