竺可桢日记 (1942年)8月21日 星期五 遵


遵 晨昙24。,晚阵雨。

  晨五点起。八点至校。九点至图书馆查《尔雅疏》、《尔雅释名》等,发现俄文字典又为人所窃。中午时松儿大吐,下午泻,嘱杨医来诊视一次。f 梅JL病稍痊可i出外。三点开行政谈话会,讨论学生宿舍、教室等问题。豫章小学之楼上允出租。五点半至柿花园一号洗浴。
  Gettyshurg Speech. Lincoln p. 443: Four score and 7 years ago our forefatherhrought forth on this continent a new nation , q :mceived ìn liherty and dedicated to thepropositìon that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged ìn a civìl war , testingwhether that nation so .conceived and so dedicated can long endure. … It is rather forus to he dedicated to the great task remainìng before us; that from these honored deadI we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure Qf devotion;that we resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain , that this nation underGod shall have a new bi础。f (reedom , and that govemlJlent of the people , hy thepeople , for the people shall not perish from the earth.接潘公展函方丽韶电周克英函邦华函寄周克英函茅唐臣函


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