
阴。 晨13°。

  晨六点起。近来松儿醒后不甚闹,常自己唱小孩调,至天明始起,故允敏不觉如从前之苦。八点三刻至校。阅Asiα 《亚细亚》杂志关于印度近事及Nehru 尼赫鲁著《分道扬镰》一文。印度在二年前欧洲开战之初,若英国能予以自治领之地位,则甘地等必能接受,但张伯伦时代无此眼光,及至法国屈服以后,英人需助甚急,印度人遂要求独立, Nehru 持之尤力,故去年九月间英国会与印度总督虽欲与印度成谅解,而甘地亦提出独立要求,遂致不能得解决矣。
  For freedom is not doing what you like. That would have the great question “Whatshould you like?” unanswered as Montesquieu put it. “In societies directed by laws ,liberty can consist of only in power of doing what we ought to will , and in not being constrainedto do what we ought not to will. A man who does not know what he ought to willwill remain a slave. He has not personal freedom. The object of the will is the good.The object of the intellect is the truth. A man has personal freedom if he wills the good and knows the truth. Ye shall know.the truth , and the truth shall make you free. “Rob. M. Hutchins {历史上之黑暗时代》接樊平章电寄企孙函傅梦秋函樊平章电


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