晨大雪,地上积雪寸余。晨家中 4.5°,27.35″。
晨大雪,地上积雪寸余。晨家中 4.5 0, 27.35飞
Andrew Spurr来谈。今日为诸孩秤重量。穿冬衣,彬彬 116磅,森森 121磅,宁宁 111磅,松松 39。均加重,而以彬彬为尤,半年中加重十五六磅,伙食坏而加重快,不知何故也。希文 152,比夏天重,但不如去年冬天。允敏 109,较去年重十磅。余得 110磅,一月内重六磅。
十点半至校。圣公会英国人 Andrew Spurr来。中午沈思岩太太来。二点何家巷五号房东周庆余来谈,其房屋本只年〔租〕二千四百元,本年竟涨至年租八万元之巨。周原为二十五师师长,但渠则谓中央银行租水嗣街十五号出每年一百万元,以此比彼则何家巷五号实少租也。谭季龙来谈,近为发特别周转金事,同事中颇有烦言。原以人口多者为限,已发全校教职员六十三人,近又加谢幼伟、王驾吾。今日吴征铠又来函,谭其骧当面诉苦,均已加入,想湄潭、永兴尚有不少人也。五点回寓。晚瞩彬彬背 Shakespeare }u/ius Caesαr中 Mark Antonius之演辞。晚阅《东方杂志》。
余近来左牙床常觉痛,食物不能碰,半年前有牙床亦有此现象,则以( Pyrro.hea) Pyorroea用碘酒2%加 Glycerine甘油渐好,近则左牙床亦有此现象,饮食大生影响,即饭粒遇牙床亦觉痛。
”Organization for Peace through Education” , Reader’s Report《读者报告》 Jan.20 , 1945. A government must lead the people. But no government even it be the most enlightened of governments cannot advance to where the people will not follow. The peace organization such as was proposed by Dumbarton Oaks , maybe only slightly better than the old league. But that is not the crux of the problem. The old league could accomplished a great deal if it had been properly used. It failed because the people thought that they had taken but a policy with an insurance company while they had in fact join a fire brigade. The government did no more than act in accordance with that popular delusion.
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