竺可桢日记 (1945年)1月29日 星期一 湄

阴。上午八点 3.4°,下午二点 7.8°。
泪阴。上午八点 3.4 0,下午二点 7.8 0。

  Human Geography in the Air Age {航空时代之人文地理》中之错误。
  晨六点三刻起。上午湄潭教授会代表步青等来谈,为生活津贴事。贝时璋来。金城来,为农艺二学生汤灿章、路万程大考作弊事。吴文晖来。又沈文辅来谈。徐瑞云来,为改年岁事。中午电政局专员、前贵阳局长余志明邀中膳,到谷润枫、刚复、哲敷及电报局敷局长。二点回。开员工子弟小学校董会 O
  阅《航空时代之人文地理》,其中颇有错误及不能自圆其说之处。如第十二页讲及谋开托绘法,谓 A new type of map was made by bending a sheet of parchment pa.per around the globe until the 2 ends meet , next the outlines of the lands and seas on the globe were projected onto the paper. The latter was then unrolled giving us the fa.miliar cylindrial map。按以上叙述颇有错误,因 Mercator Projection ,实非 Geometrical Projection。又 41页及 Fig. 19 , When we examine geographicallocation on a pole cen.tered world map , some su叩rising thing come to light. The land around Arctic ocean and the lands of NW Europe & E. N. America form a zone of central location in the
  world.此未免有先入之见,因纽约离北极与奉天不相上下,何以一为 Central,另一则为 Pe邱heral o
  接诸葛振公、陈德清(化学卅一级)、徐翠华(农化卅二级)函 絜非函


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