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  杨双华,英国拉夫堡大学网络通讯与控制研究室主任,计算机系研究系副主任,教授,博导。1963年出生于湖北天门。1983年,1986年获华东石油学院学士, 硕士学位,1991年获浙江大学博士学位。1995年任英国利兹大学客座研究员,1997年加盟英国拉夫堡大学,历任研究助理、研究员、2006年晋升为正教授。由于在网络与控制中的杰出贡献,杨双华教授2010年获英国测量与控制学会Honeywell奖。杨双华教授是我国自己培养的博士,并在英国著名高校拉夫堡大学(2010年卫报英国大学综合排名第十名)担任正教授并承担英国政府研究基金,包括英国国防部、贸工部自然科学基金最多的华人教授之一,研究成果成功的应用于工业、民用及国防。

Professor Shuang-Hua Yang is currently serving as the research coordinator of computer science and the leader of the Networks, Communication, and Control System Research Division in the Computer Science Department at Loughborough. He is also a senate member of Loughborough University since 2012. His educational history originated in China where he received a BSc in 1983 and MSc in 1986 from the Petroleum University and a PhD in 1991 from Zhejiang University.
Shuang-Hua Yang is an associate editor for four academic journals including International Journal of Systems Science (Taylor & Francis publisher), Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (Springer) and a member of the editorial and advisory board for another two academic Journals. He has been a member of the EPSRC Peer Review College since 2006, a fellow of the Institute of Measurement and Control since 2005, and a senior member of IEEE since 2003. He is also serving as an overseas assessment panel member for the State Natural Science Award of China and the China 973 Scheme. Working with his national and international collaborators he has organised many international conferences and special sessions. The recent one was IEEE 2013 International Conference on Internet of Things where he served as the program chair. So far he has supervised 7 postdoctoral research staff, 11 completed PhD students, and 20 academic visiting scholars and exchange PhD students. Currently 6 PhD students and one RA are under his supervision. He was the guest editor of six special issues on wireless sensor networks and Internet based control in various journals. He was awarded 2010 Honeywell Prize by the Institute of Measurement and Control in the UK to recognize his contribution to home automation research. The energy harvesting device which was developed by his team was exhibited in EcoBuild 2011 in London and patented in 2009. He was the winner of the Creativity Award in the International Exhibition Contest on DSP (Digital Signal Processing) Creative Designs held in Taiwan in 2005 for the project “Remote monitoring and control of intelligent home environments”.
As a principal investigator Shuang-Hua Yang has received significant amounts of research grants from different funding bodies, including FP7, MoD, EPSRC, TSB, ERDF, and British Council et al. The latest research grant he secured is a FP7 European grant (€410k allocated to Loughborough), with the project starting in February 2014. He has a wide range of collaboration with British industries such as BAE Systems, Rolls Royce, Toyota UK, Arqiva, GL et al.
Shuang-Hua Yang's research work on wireless network based monitoring and control is seminal in the field of wireless communication, and has led to a whole new sub-field, entitled wireless monitoring and control, which has had high impact in both research and commercial technology. He invented a new energy harvest technology, an adaptive wireless tracking system and a virtual home based security protection approach, which have been applied by Toyota UK and Toys R Us logistic in the UK. His pioneering work on Internet-based control has had significant impact despite beingstill in its infancy. He has authored two research monographs on Internet-based control and wireless sensor networks respectively. By organizing a series of special issues of various academic journals and other professional service, he has helped grow this field to have a major impact on the academic, research, and industry communities. Academic papers authored by him have currently been cited over 2000 times.
