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徐烈,男,1942年10月生,浙江建德人,中共党员,教授(博士生导师),1965年毕业于浙江大学, 留校任校.1979年调入上海交通大学,其中1989~1990 年在德国柏林自由大学进修.现任上海交大制冷与低温工程研究所教授,博士生导师,并兼任中国制冷学会”一专”委员,中国运动保健品协会特邀会员和专业委员,中国物理学会,电工学会,造船学会,真空学会,热物理工程学会会员,”低温工程”, “低温与超导”,”真空与低温”,”低温与特气”,”冷饮与速冻食品工业”和”制冷技术”编委。
徐烈教授近四十年来,一直从事低温科学与技术的教学与科研,曾开设”低温工程学”,”低温真空 技术”,”低温测试技术”等七门本科,硕士,博士课程,共培养硕士,博士生34 计,制造与应用》,《绝热技术》,《低温技术》,《低温绝热与贮运技术》,《最新制冷空调技术》,《新型低温 技术》等着作九本,译作《低温工程学基础》,《换热器设计手册(三)》等三本,共发表论文200 对低温绝热与低温容器,低温材料的热物性,低温真空技术等有专长,曾先后承担国家,省部委及 有关应用单位的研究课题6O 余项,绝大部分为项目负责人,曾获全国科学大会奖,中科院重大成果乙 等奖,有色总公司成果奖等5次,并享受上海市国家重大项目当年度最高补贴,共 享有专利16 徐烈教授的事迹曾先后被”中国当代科学家与发明家大辞典”,”中国当代名人辞典”,”中国专家大辞典”,”中华当代发明家大辞 典”,”浙江古今人物大辞典”,”中华英模大典”,”中华人物大辞典”,”中华优秀人物大典”(世纪精英版)等收录。


I joined the University in 2013 and is currently a Professor in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering. I received my PHD in Electrical engineering from University of Sheffield in 2000 and started my career with ALSTOM, developing VSC based HVDC systems. My main research interests and experiences are in the areas of power electronics, converter control for grid connection of renewables, control and operation of HVDC systems and DC microgrid. I have published over 100 journal and conference papers and received the 2013 IET Renewable Power Generation Premium Award for my published paper “DC voltage control and power dispatch of a multi-terminal HVDC system for integrating large offshore wind farms”.
